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- Philip K. Dick: visionary Science Fiction beyond screen adaptationsPhilip K. Dick ranks among the most influential science fiction authors. His work explores the boundaries between reality and illusion, humanity and technology. Numerous screen adaptations have posthumously elevated his reputation, showcasing his philosophical depth and prescient questioning of technological transformations: Minority Report, Paycheck, Total Recall, Screamers, A Scanner Darkly, Confessions of a Crap Artist …
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- Le mythe de la caverne : un parcours initiatiqueAvec le mythe de la caverne, Platon nous dépeint un cheminement ascendant hors de l’illusion, vers la réalité. Ce texte, l’un des plus emblématiques de l’histoire de la philosophie, offre par sa puissance évocatrice d’innombrables interprétations. Que symbolise cette montée vers la lumière par un prisonnier qui se libère de ses chaînes? Que représentent ces …
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- Au dela du thriller : à la découverte des mondes de Maxime ChattamQuel est le cœur de l’homme ? Cette question traverse toute l’œuvre de Maxime Chattam, l’un des maîtres français du thriller psychologique. Ses romans nous confrontent à une réalité troublante : comment des êtres d’apparence ordinaire peuvent-ils basculer dans l’horreur criminelle? Ce thème, omniprésent dans la culture populaire à travers d’innombrables romans, films et séries, …
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- Are we supposed to do something on Earth?“Everything is allowed, God does not exist. We are masters and possessors of Nature!” So can be held the biggest celebration in the history of mankind, with the planet as a buffet. This is called modernity, the world we live in. Tendentious, biased vision … like this drawing? What world do we live in, for …
- Robert Charles Wilson, science fiction beyond utopiaScience fiction is a metaphor for the present. In the guise of projecting the reader into imaginary universes, sci-fi talks to us about ourselves. without cutting us off from reality. This way, it is utopia’s continuity, because since Thomas More it is about something else than portraying an exotic way of life for its exoticism. …
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- Iain Banks : The Culture seriesThe Culture series is a whole universe built by the Scottish writer Iain Banks. The nine novels, which can be read separately, will remain unfortunately too few due to the death of the author in 2013 at the age of 59 years. Here is their list: Pan galactic society, nine thousand years old, the Culture …